Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Our last day in Florida

We stayed in Tampa to be ready for an early morning flight home. We decided to visit an historical area of Tampa that was the "Cuban Area" many years ago. They made cigars there and they were shipped around the world. Now the tobacco comes from other Caribbean Islands. Of course, the rain just poured that day so we were a little limited in how long we walked around the area. We took a Trolley from our hotel, on the river, past the arena where the Tampa Lightning team plays! George was thrilled about that! We were dropped off in the central area of Ybor City (EE Bor City) which is filled with night clubs, restaurants and cigar halls.

We walked into one of those cigar halls and that familiar smell of cigars hit my nose. It sure is a lovely smell before it has been lit and then has that smokey smell. The wall was covered with older pictures of many people smoking cigars.

By the time we got back to the hotel we were soaked to the skin and ordered room service for dinner! Yippee!!

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